Thursday, October 2, 2008

Katie's Weekend

While Dad was hunting and Dan was riding roller coasters, Katie got to spend the day at her Grandma and Grandpa's. She had plenty of fun there!

The weekend before, she got to march in our local city pride festival parade. If you remember, last year she marched as a cheerleader, but this year she marched with the Girl Scouts. Instead of wearing their sashes, which are pretty plain so far having just moved up from Brownies last spring, they all wore the t-shirts they earned from cookie sales last year.

The one girl in the cheer uniform is also in GS; she decided at the last minute to march with her troop instead, b/c no one else in her cheer squad was in the parade. The day started out pretty chilly, but warmed up quickly, and by the time K marched past me she was pretty hot (hence the rolled up pant legs!). I thought she would be toward the beginning of the parade, being in section B4, but that ended up being closer to the end so she didn't get to see much of the parade herself this year.

I did take Archie with me, but I didn't take any pictures of him. Here is an interesting fact - normally, here in our area, people love to attend parades b/c they throw out candy to the kids. Well, if you have a dog, there are plenty of people who bring dog biscuits, too! I had my little baggie of training treats with me, and we definitely went home with more than I brought!

I sat with my best friend Michelle, whose son was also marching. We really enjoyed ourselves; we got the perfect spot - close to the end of the parade route, under the shade of some trees and close to a bathroom!

Here is a picture of her son, Ian (in the white t-shirt):

He marched with the combined middle school orchestras. This was new this year, I'm not sure whose idea it was. The orchestras are separate from the bands and basically consist of the strings. Violins and violas marched, while the cellos and bass fiddles got to ride on a trailer. I guess someone thought it was unfair that the bands got to show off and not the strings, so they put the orchestras in the parade too. They went back and forth between 2 songs, Battle Cry for Freedom (a Civil War song anyone who has watched PBS would recognize) and another one. I'm sure they were plenty sick of both by the end of the parade! Ian did a great job.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Cool! Does Katie like marching? Noah and Samuel will be in the Memorial Parade here next May, and they are worried about how hard it will be. I asked the leaders and they told me it was a 20 minute parade! LOL And of course, they won't be wearing wigs... I bet seeing the orchestra was cool!