Monday, August 25, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

So, here I am, absolutely psyched that people are reading my blog, and actually leaving COMMENTS!! Let me say, to those of you who don't blog, or don't realize this, that writing is much easier when you know people are reading it. It's hard to get inspired to post when you think there are only 4 or 5 people who will be checking it out. So when you leave a comment, it tells me who is reading, and what you like to see here. And motivates me to post more!

So anyway, here I am trying to decide whether to spend another hour on a post, or to attack my pile of books so I can add to my finished book list. Bad me, I went to the library tonight! I was going to just pick up the next 3 Hamish MacBeths, and ended up with *9* books! I am such a book junkie, lol!

OK, I'm off to read now. I hope to post soon on our trip to the zoo, and Katie's sewing class. Check back often!

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