Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Word About My Book List

As you can see, I have been trying to steadily work through the Hamish MacBeth series - they are short little mysteries so I can generally get through a book in 1-2 days, depending on how much free time I have. I have to request each one from the library b/c, although the library system does have all of them, they aren't all at the same library, and it seems that very few are at the one library I like to go to.

In the meantime, I have finished Celeste Bradley's Heiress Brides trilogy, which was pretty good; I know she has another series having to do with spies, but I plan on borrowing them from Gretchen (I think she's got them all) next time we exchange books. The Twilight series is done for now, until the movie in Dec and then the 5th book, which is supposed to be book #1 only from Edward's point of view, but I don't know how long it's going to take S. Meyer to write that one. So I thought I'd go through my cache of books and read something I actually own myself, and I picked up book #2 of a trilogy I started a while back, Jane Feather's Brides series. I had a hard time getting through the 1st one, mostly because it takes place in a time period I'm not so familiar with - mid 1600's England. That wouldn't be so bad, except she includes so much political info that I feel the story gets too bogged down. So #2 is basically more of the same, and once again I'm having trouble slogging through. I don't think I'm going to bother finishing it, which is too bad b/c the back story of the 3 girls' unlikely friendship sounds so promising. But, I've got so many other books waiting for me, I don't feel too bad giving up on these. So, that said, I didn't even return to my cabinet but headed straight back to the library to pick up #1 in Nora Roberts' Sign of Seven trilogy, Blood Brothers. (Sorry to be grammatically incorrect, but there is no underline option in this stupid blogger window!) I'm about 1/3 through, and loving it. I have read her Key trilogy, and really enjoyed that, so I was looking forward to starting this one. I was kind of putting it off so I could be sure to read all 3 in a row - I hate having to wait for the next in a series. (Waiting 2 weeks for the last Twilight book was hard enough - and I can't even begin to describe the torment I went through waiting for HP#7 last winter!) So, anyway, that is my update for now. No new books added to my list lately, but only b/c I've been working on 3 at once - LOL!

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