Saturday, August 30, 2008

Katie's Sewing Class

So here is one more fun thing Katie and her friend Meagan got to do this summer. I signed them up for an intro to sewing class at Joann Fabrics. I was very impressed with the instructor, b/c there were about 7 or 8 little girls, and K & M were the oldest ones there (both being 9 yrs old). They learned to make pillowcases, which are simple b/c the pieces are all rectangles and the sewing is all straight lines. Here are the pictures:

First they laid out patterns on the fabric they had purchased prior to class. The sewing supplies you see on Katie's table are from my basket at home; luckily I had almost everything she needed, so the cost of supplies was pretty much limited to the fabric and matching thread. Each girl did their own pinning and cutting. The instructor was really good about letting them do as much of the project themselves as possible.

After the fabric was cut to size and pinned together, they practiced sewing straight lines on the machines. The instructor did thread up all the machines and get them started, but the girls did the rest of the work on their own. She would only come over if they asked for help. For Katie, using a sewing machine is like Danny getting to use power tools!

Once they felt comfortable with the machines, they got started on the pillowcases. Here is a picture of Meagan concentrating very hard on staying neat and straight.

Once all the pieces were sewn up and the cases were done, the girls each got to iron them to get the worst of the wrinkles out, which made me nervous. They each used the iron on their own! But nobody got burned - phew!

And here are Katie and Meagan with their brand-new pillow cases! I was most impressed. Great job, girls!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
